Kerollos Dawoud Professor Goeller Research in Disciplines: College! March 1st, 2021 Literature Review #3 Visual. Picture of Nenagh Meredith Kemp Citation. Kemp, Nenagh, and Rachel Grieve. "Face-To-Face Or Face-To-Screen? Undergraduates' Opinions And Test Performance In Classroom Vs. Online Learning". Frontiers, 2014, Accessed 1 Mar 2021. Summary . The texts goes into detail about the setup of the two studies. The point of the studies was to find the difference, if any, between online learning compared to in-person learning. The studies themselves were relatively small group size, but all were in their 3rd year in college. The first study did not find any difference academically when the students had to be thought online vs. a more traditional learning environment. The participants also expressed what was positive and negative about both ways of teaching. The second study had ...