Research Question and 3 Scholarly Sources
New Question
As technology has rapidly changed, it is now possible for students to be taught fully online. This new ability could have drastic differences in both the quality of education as well as unintended side effects on students. The question I will be answering is how might online college affect the academic and social life of students from those who had a more traditional in-person college education
Research paperwork cited
Bettinger, Eric et al. "How Online College Classes Alter Student And Professor Performance". Cesinfo, vol 1, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1-38., Accessed 12 Feb 2021.
Dhawan, Shivangi. "Online Learning: A Panacea In The Time Of COVID-19 Crisis - Shivangi Dhawan, 2020". SAGE Journals, 2020,
Kemp, Nenagh, and Rachel Grieve. "Face-To-Face Or Face-To-Screen? Undergraduates' Opinions And Test Performance In Classroom Vs. Online Learning". Frontiers, 2014, Accessed 12 Feb 2021.
I think it is possible for the quality of education to be just as good online as in person. But I absolutely agree with you that the side-effects on learners going fully online can be a problem. You can find lots of commentary online that might give you ideas of which side-effects to focus on:
I think it is useful to look at a wide array of stories like these so you can compile a list before deciding which to focus on most.
Somewhat more scholarly sources: